Mobile marts

When I wait for my cab every morning, I see many street vendors pass by. First, it is florist. He exactly knows his customers and does a quick halt in front of their house. Next comes Onion-Tomato vendor. This guy doesn't see any other thing! Once, he was shouting "X" rupees for Tomato. A lady from inside was asking for "X-1" rupees. He got pissed off and demanded her to come and check before quoting. He said, "don't quote from within, come here and check."

From other direction comes a vendor on a bicycle selling green leaves. Only problem with this guy is, he walks really fast. By the time customer reaches the gate, this seller is 50 meters away. This makes many to revert back from buying.

60-feet from our gate sits an old lady supplying milk for our neighborhood. By the time I board the cab at 7:30 am, I see her almost done with her sales. Her day starts as early as 4:30 am.

I sometimes think, "what if we popularize this mode of shopping?" This type of shopping is a very popular one in India which is not seen in other parts of the world.


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