Where is net heading?

Internet has become a major tool in current lifestyle.

Initially, it started with people getting used to email. Even before online search was in the picture, we had email. Slowly, things started growing on the net. Next to email came search. We had the chance to search for anything on the internet. It was a great tool to know any detail we wanted. It became a quick reference book for us.

Messengers also started evolving. Yahoo messenger was the most popular with its typical smilies. They were also the first to get audio and video chat. Their competitor was MSN messenger which had similar features. When Google landed in to non-search tools, they targeted mail and chat client. Without much doubt, for many reasons, gmail gained huge customer base. Their voice chat with clear sound and better quality than their rivals made gmail a popular voice chat client.

Searching and buying products online started becoming a medium of easy shopping sitting in the bedroom with credit card in the pocket. This enabled companies to promote their products online through advertisements. Ebay and Amazon became household names for online shopping. Shopping didn't end in gifts and products, it took a step ahead with online travel booking. Many travel/air ticket booking companies really drove the travel sector.

Last phase of online usage which is picking up recently is social networking. The buzz is big, but we surely don't know what this really leads to. Social networking is a platform which is created for people round the globe to start interacting. It is believed that these 'interactions', if more often, will lead to product promotion. People will surely talk more about something they liked and bought - this could influence others who see them. End of it, there is no proof of how money plays a role in social networking.

Email, search, messenger, online-shopping, social networking, etc. - What next? Really no idea!
One thing I believe - Internet cannot be a replacement to TV. This is same as - when TV came in, it didn't totally replace Radio. Internet is a medium of its own. My dream is to see something more than Internet. What would that be? We need to wait and watch.


I am said…
Crossing the boundaries of time and space i.e, being able to be in real wherever we want to at that time, or experience it as close to being there for real.

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